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I have always felt deeply connected to dogs. 

I was drawn to their innately gentle, sweet,  playful and loving nature. 

As a child I begged my parents nonstop for a family dog. 

After unrelenting pleading, 

they caved, *TGOD* and my soulmate - Bo, came into my life (pictured to the left). 

We were immediately inseparable.

He kept all my secrets,  licked away my tears, and was the best pillow

and friend I could've imagined.

He had the biggest influence on where I am today.

I always knew I wanted to spend my life surrounded by animals.

Endless daydreaming of becoming a Veterinarian and living on a farm with my hundreds of pets.

'101 Dalmatians' seeded that vision...

I would get dog encyclopedias for my birthdays and spend my time studying every page. 

I’d print out pictures of my favorite breeds and tape them all over my bedroom walls. 

My love (or rather obsession) for dogs goes back as far as I can remember.


But Bo’s passing was the most difficult loss of my life at the time. 

I didn’t know how to process such devastation and grief. 

My coping mechanism was to distance myself from all things dog related to avoid and dissociate from the pain. 


I ended up getting my Bachelor's in Communicative Disorders, in hopes of becoming a Speech-Language Pathologist. 

My path was paved before me but after undergrad,  I just felt lost.

I knew my whole heart wasn’t truly in speech therapy.

After deep reflection on what would bring the most joy to my soul… here we are! 


I’ve been working with dogs for the past 8 years and have never looked back.

I started my own walking and boarding business in San Francisco, and knew this was my destined path. 

I moved to Colorado for my dream of operating a premium home-style boarding/daycare retreat on my property

and spend my days adventuring with a pack on the seemingly endless trails in my backyard.

And I'm living out my dream,

I cannot wait to show your dog the best time!




Indy (the German Shepherd) was re-homed to me 4 years ago from a former client. 

Him coming into my life was fate. 

He and I always had a very special connection from the moment we met.

He wasn't initially in my pack, but in my best friend's, and would run away to find me if we weren't walking together.

Because we were clearly inseparable I started to care for Indy for boarding.

And when I was asked to adopt him, it was so surreal.

It's easily one of the best decisions I've ever made. 

Indy officially became my son on the SAME “gotcha day” as Bo. 

Both of them were 2 year old, male, purebred rescues when they came home with me… coincidence? I think not 

Although their personalities are very different, the one common denominator is sharing an unshakable, deep bond with me. 


Riley, I rescued 2 years ago from Pueblo, CO. 

I had been looking for 6 months for a 2nd dog.

It was a long grueling process. I knew I wanted a herding dog mix.

But I was running into dead ends with rescue organizations because I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment at the time.

That was an absolute deal breaker in my applications,

no matter how much I assured this dog would have the best life possible (regardless of apartment life) because of my career. 

For those of you that believe in manifestation... the rest of this story is for you.

I learned after too many months, you don't need an application or qualifications to rescue from a shelter, so I filtered my search... 

I was refreshing the pet finder app for the 2nd time that day and there was a stunning shepherd/husky mix, I immediately fell in love.

She was an hour and half away in Colorado Springs. I called and they didn't allow "holds" so I raced down there.

After arriving I was greeted with the soul crushing news that she had been adopted 5 minutes before I got there.

I was absolutely devastated.

But a deeper intuition was calling me to channel my grief and get crystal clear on the baby I desired.

So I took to my journal and was as detailed as I possibly could be about her personality, and characteristics.

And relaxed into the reality that she was already here.

4 days later, Riley appeared

and I immediately knew she was the one

When I tell you she's the epitome of my manifestation...

from every detail to her eye patch, to her insatiable need to cuddle, down to her already being named Riley

(which is what I planned to name her all along).

To this day I'm still amazed by how she came into my life.

My big baby sheppy and little collie girl are my soulmates,

and everyday I'm so grateful to be their mama and have them by my side. 

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